Aug 5Liked by Michael Balter

Some very lovely pictures for this Monday! I am very happy to see cats welcomed to the Monday Croton pictures category. Garfield would be proud.

I love the photos of the Great Blue Herron and lovely flowers too!

Here is a link to Garfield’s take on Mondays. I think the photo collections coming out on this day will brighten what Mondays mean to most people. Even for Garfield. Haha!


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Aug 7Liked by Michael Balter

We had a Croton "Top Cat" Contest back in 2014 at the old Everything Croton Blog; here were the winners https://everythingcroton.blogspot.com/2014/12/everything-crotons-top-cat-for-2014-is.html

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Aug 6Liked by Michael Balter

Love the Croton Cats idea!

Contribution forthcoming.

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Something tells me the Croton Cats are going to take over the Photo Corner, not surprisingly—isn’t that what cats do? But no matter, bring it on!

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Aug 6Liked by Michael Balter

You’re right. You’re going to be inundated. 🙂

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