Well done - All responses to the RFP should be public from the moment the Proposals were opened. You could also wonder if there has been any discussion between the Trustees and the Planning Board and/or Zoning Board. Is there an implication to the developer that permissions from these Boards will be forthcoming? If I were a developer I would not spend millions of dollars on land aquisition unless I knew I could build my planned project. Perhaps the contract is conditioned upon such approval, which puts a lot of pressure on these Boards to approve something for the money as opposed to what is best for Croton.

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Thanks for your comment. I think that anyone who has lived in Croton for any length of time knows that the Planning Board and other bodies seldom (or nearly never) flatly disapprove anything put to them by the BoT, although they often add conditions for approval. I agree that all RFP responses should be public and in fact we are arguing that they must be as a matter of law. The members of the task force appointed by the Board to evaluate them know what was in them, just for starters.

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Thank you for your efforts to extract transparency from our government

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Thank you.

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Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of the village residents that deserve, have a say in strategic development decisions that will affect the character and the nature of our community for years to come

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