Two of Bianchi's college-age children have been substituting at CET despite district rules against nepotism and their failure to meet minimum qualifications.
Thank you for reporting this. And for quoting the policies.
The problem with this Board of Education is that it does not verify the procedures and processes are in place to ensure its policies are followed. The Board of Education failed to supervise the Superintendent in enforcing this with his own Principals.
At $115 per day, Kerri Bianchi is not handing out plum roles, but likely begging family members to do something she cannot get non-family members doing. If the alternative is no substitutes then Kerri Bianchi made the least worst choice. The problem is that $115 is incredibly low for such a high cost area of Westchester. Once again, this is another Board of Education issue. The School District is in a financial crunch caused by the interaction of the State Aid formula penalizing development, and a Village bent on even more development.
I think your point that the Board of Education bears responsibility for this situation is very well taken. They tend to duck those responsibilities at every turn it seems, leaving it to the district administrators to do pretty much what they want.
I will say that Districts in general are scrambling to find subs, both certified and non. And judging by Croton’s pay habits, they are probably finding it very difficult and this is a good, but probably not most ethical solution.
Also, they should ideally be getting paid hourly as a sub-aide, especially if they aren’t certified. Different rates of pay and retirement system compared to a regular teacher sub.
yes this has been mentioned in some Facebook comments and I think it does provide a context for what is going on. But while it does not justify violating district policies, the officials could have provided an explanation anyway. That they did not do so despite being asked repeatedly suggests guilty consciences.
My fantasy is that we are providing 12 sick days per year to a group of teachers who are only regularly scheduled to work 180 days a year. All this while we deny a living wage to our school aids and hire uncertified, substitute teachers. Quite a show
Thank you for reporting this. And for quoting the policies.
The problem with this Board of Education is that it does not verify the procedures and processes are in place to ensure its policies are followed. The Board of Education failed to supervise the Superintendent in enforcing this with his own Principals.
At $115 per day, Kerri Bianchi is not handing out plum roles, but likely begging family members to do something she cannot get non-family members doing. If the alternative is no substitutes then Kerri Bianchi made the least worst choice. The problem is that $115 is incredibly low for such a high cost area of Westchester. Once again, this is another Board of Education issue. The School District is in a financial crunch caused by the interaction of the State Aid formula penalizing development, and a Village bent on even more development.
I think your point that the Board of Education bears responsibility for this situation is very well taken. They tend to duck those responsibilities at every turn it seems, leaving it to the district administrators to do pretty much what they want.
Interesting and good reporting!
I will say that Districts in general are scrambling to find subs, both certified and non. And judging by Croton’s pay habits, they are probably finding it very difficult and this is a good, but probably not most ethical solution.
Also, they should ideally be getting paid hourly as a sub-aide, especially if they aren’t certified. Different rates of pay and retirement system compared to a regular teacher sub.
yes this has been mentioned in some Facebook comments and I think it does provide a context for what is going on. But while it does not justify violating district policies, the officials could have provided an explanation anyway. That they did not do so despite being asked repeatedly suggests guilty consciences.
Agreed 100%. Combined with the contract impasse, this does not help their image.
My fantasy is that we are providing 12 sick days per year to a group of teachers who are only regularly scheduled to work 180 days a year. All this while we deny a living wage to our school aids and hire uncertified, substitute teachers. Quite a show