Bob, unlike our Croton trustees, puts Croton residents first! One of the many unfortunate aspects of this is that Croton’s poorest ESL residents may not understand that they need to take action to opt out of this costly energy. Also some fixed income seniors may not understand why there energy has jumped in price and don’t know they can opt out. We need to recruit new Croton first people to run for Mayor and trustees. Let’s form an action committee. Contact me on FB messenger here to get the ball rolling. This is they most damaging crew of governance for our community that I’ve seen in my 17!years in Croton.

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It’s not only seniors, and I would imagine the vast majority of the town has no idea that you can shop for suppliers

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The most un- transparent Mayor and trustees in Croton history on the initiatives designed to increase their personal standing in state politics while making life miserable for Croton residents and destroying our village ! Let’s get a roster of Croton first candidates!!!

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I was in this which I didn’t like and opted out to find my bills were much lower after. No one should be automatically opted in. That’s highly dubious and inappropriate. I don’t see this program being affordable in the near future. Thank you!

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I pay 8.9 cents per kWh, big difference vs. the CCA

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How does one opt out?

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Start here. Get some paper or open up an Excel file and contact every supplier, compare prices. Sometimes you can get their pricing via the Internet, but in some cases, you may have to call them directly.

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