Oh my God! This is absolutely incredible! Thank you for this fascinating article Michael. I love the entire story and accompanying pictures. It’s not just a look back at Croton history, or seeing amazing model trains but what it really is about is capturing a nostalgic time for the train hobbyist in his life. By seeing the model trains we get a chance to experience that same nostalgic and happy feeling Mr. Carlo has from his youth visiting his grandparents. This story is so good I had to share it with my father in law who is also very much into model trains.

I hope someday Mr. Carlo will consider donating his amazing setup to a museum or even to the Croton Historical Society. It’s so wonderful and amazing. I hope it lives on for future eyes to behold and enjoy.

Fantastic article! Thank you for sharing this information with us and thank you to Robert Carlo for sharing his creation!

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Thanks so much for the kind words!

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They are more than well deserved! You’re very welcome! This story is so nice! Love it.

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This is wonderful Thank you. A sa bit of a train person myself, I truly appreciate the premier modelers--and this guy is one of them!

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Glad you like it! The combo of history and trains seems to be a winner!

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