Thank you for covering this. The vote was disappointing last night but people must not give up and fight this radical development until the very end.

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You’re welcome. I think it’s important to fight the impulse to be cynical and that villagers should take the Board at its word when they say this is “just the beginning of the process.” It can be a self-fulfilling prophecy if everyone concludes this or any other project is a “done deal.” Nicholson’s “nay” vote was the first time I can recall a non-unanimous vote since Sherry Horowitz was on the Board. That means there is still room for debate, and the numbers that turned out last night were very significant. Note that both Murtaugh and Simon had to explain and justify their “yes” votes. I also think that Nance Shatzkin’s behavior last night raises a lot of questions about whether she should continue to be our “housing czar,” as Ed Riely put it. Housing advocates should want an emissary who does not attack the people of the village if they raise legitimate questions about a 280 unit development.

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I agree with everything you brought up here too. When Nance flipped off the bird to 80 plus very concerned and upset residents, you could literally smell the elitism in the air. She should be made to resign immediately.

Ed Riley brought up some very good points. I was happy to see the pressure we put on them. We need to keep it up and do more of that.

Also, I don’t take the village trustees at their word. They have proved they are sneaky and do back door deals. I am thankful Nora voted no but she should have told them no to the rezoning completely and not come back in a year or ask for this again. They all should have voted no. The Fight is definitely ongoing!

Thank you again!

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A heartfelt Thank You! to those who showed up. They give me hope that not all of our community has fallen off the cliff into extreme left ideology, and most importantly, transformed into useful idiots for a power hungry mayor with higher political ambitions. Let’s organize and make this a ballot issue. Enough with the soviet era style of unopposed elections. I never contribute $ to the national parties, but I am more than willing to open my wallet for local issues. We have become a community that keeps voting against our self interest, not very different from the poor southern whites that vote for the crooked orangeman.

If a Croton Dem party apparatchik reads this: you will start hemorrhaging and send more votes MAGA’s way if you continue down this path. Lawler’s win was not a fluke, Hochul’s close call was not a fluke.

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I attended last evening's board of trustees meeting to hear the concerns of the residents regarding 1 HMB. I respect and appreciate the passion expressed by those who spoke and their love of the village. As part of the team working on the 1 HMB project, I want your readers to know that we are planning public forums to both provide more information about the proposed development and to answer any questions that members of the public may have. Your input is essential to this process. We will be doing outreach throughout the community and will make these public forums as convenient as possible, including perhaps holding a couple of virtual forums as well as in person ones to ensure that anyone who wishes to comment may do so. As we work on these details, we want you all to know there is a website where you can receive more information about our proposed development and ask questions. The website is 1halfmoonbay.com Questions and comments can be sent to 1halfmoonbayinfo@mondayre.com

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