Sep 13Liked by Michael Balter

Thank you for posting all this! I did not know about the letter. You are a gift to COH.

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This is far from over. In November write in Gary Eisinger and Nigel Ravelo for our voices to be heard in the village and taken into consideration. The board and mayor aren’t transparent and don’t care what residents and the planning board think or say. Time for change.

Thank you!

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Residents need to remember that the village has so called "affordable housing" and density plans for Lot A. It's all part of their bigger picture for the area.

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Yes. Those plans are not good and will make the traffic in Croton unbearable. More people need to keep fighting and get involved to stop this.

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Even more reason to vote for the Gary and Nigel. The effort to bring elections back to Croton is working. Let’s not get fooled by the mayor’s move to deflate their candidacy by kicking the can down the road until after the elections.

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They need to wait and hold off to see how the village can handle with the people and traffic with their projects they’re doing now. These people that want this , yeah because they’re from places like New Rochelle and cities. This is just a little village. They could make that area with so many other things for the residents and children in this town. There’s not a thing here anymore like I had growing up here. I’m a 4th generation and a vision that I have would change this town to the better, much better and families here would love it for themselves and their children. AND… bring money in at the same time, AND, money for the village .

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I would love to see any pictures you have of the village from growing up. Excellent comment on how this is a simple little village and we weren’t meant to be a city and have the buildings and development of city life here. Please help us. Write in Gary Eisinger and Nigel Ravelo this November on the ballot and spread the word about them. Look up on Facebook, Voice of Croton. Thank you!

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Jessica my family arrived in the late 1800s ……. And still here Lol Lol

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Hi Jessica, I have so many pictures and color silent 8mm movies of Croton from all of Riverside starting North by Wolf road to Van Cortlandt Manor to the bridge that’s not there now but was the original Rt 9 before the highway was built. My parents, grandparents and great grandparents house was where the walk bridge that goes over the highway by brook street. It sat where the highway is now and I watched and have movies of the crane with the wrecking ball knocking it down plus other homes. As far as the things Croton had is endless.

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I would love to see these pictures and videos sometime. It sounds very cool. I recommend you preserve them. Make everything digital and back it up. Thanks for sharing!

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Interesting how the mayor has, overnight, become the champion of the Croton-ites who do not watch live streams. Or did he post this letter so his minions can say the process works? Although, in this process, development at 1 Half Moon Bay is wide open.

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Wait for the fun and games of Lot A.

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