Pythagoras had also lived in Crotone. Early-Pythagorean sects lived in Croton and throughout Magna Graecia. They espoused to a rigorous life of the intellect and strict rules on diet, clothing and behavior.

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Yes, those Crotonians were a very disciplined and accomplished group!

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I will just add again, all this information is interesting and fun to compare and think about. The Native American history and Isaac's Universe. We really don’t think about the name of the village much or what people call us from Croton. I’m curious where the poll leads but I bet Crotonites wins easily. Not my favorite one.

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The Chronicle will abide by the results of the poll in its usage going forward!

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That makes sense. Crotonites it will be if I were to bet.

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Interesting history about Crotone in Italy and its ancient history.

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Crotonians sounds too much like a cult religion.

I like to call us Croton Villagers, to emphasize our small village character, the way most of us want it to remain.

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Well said!

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"Kenotian". Croton is named after the Indian Chief, Kenoten, Chief of the Kitchawanc. Croton is a corruption. Our demonym should be derived by the appropriate English suffix from Kenoten, not the corruption that is "croton". Out of respect to Kenoten and the original Kitchawankers, we should be "Kenotians". Anything else would be imperialist and represent the oppression of the indigenous inhabitants, who were driven by out by taxation, incoming Brookylnite settlers, and the spread of affordable tipis down by Croton Point.

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I say to keep Crotonites. I'm tired of all the name changes going on for the past few years.

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Thank you to Maria for this update! It’s very interesting.

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From the Village of Croton works for me.

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