Nice piece, not that I support all view points but intelligently laid out for the conversation.

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Thanks, it’s to your credit that you can appreciate it even if you don’t agree with all of it.

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The fact that Trump forced Netanyahu into a ceasefire in Gaza when Biden and Blinken were so weak and complicit that they refused to do so is a bitter pill to swallow for most left leaning Democrats. I believe the war is the top reason Kamala Harris lost the election, at least that's what a new poll by YouGov indicates. Many young people could not bring themselves to vote for her. I have no faith that Netanyahu and his band of war criminals will carry through on the 3 stages of this agreement, but Trump hates to be seen as weak, and that's one point in favor of the war finally ending. Here is journalist Max Blumenthal at Blinker's farewell presser. It's worth a watch (on X): https://x.com/MaxBlumenthal/status/1879926469633487204

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I personally agree 100%

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Excellent point. The bloodshed had to stop over there and I understand opinions vary, but I tend to agree with the international court ruling, along with the findings of most other countries outside the US. Not only was the outgoing Admin weak on pressure to stop the genoc!de, they aided it with money and weapons. And as you noted, many voters saw this. And it’s the main reason Tik Tok has been banned as of right now.

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Kamala "lost" the election due to widespread voter suppression in swing states. I won't be gaslit into thinking this is the will of the people.

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Thank you for your thoughtful and extensive commentary. As a lifelong Democrat, I can attest to the complete exhaustion and disgust that myself and all of my like minded Democratic voters feel towards the party. Speaking for myself, I am ready and willing to vote for a third party candidate, after my party has twice lost to a lying criminal.

As for the reasons why, I believe that there is some validity to the idea that Democrats became a woke-obsessed elite, completely losing touch with their working class roots. The party of FDR lost its vision. A criminal huckster was able to steal the loyalty of the working class. Although Biden is a good man, he was unable to effectively address the immigrant crisis or to realize just how important it was to the common citizen.

His unconditional support of Israel’s horrendous destruction of Gaza was a mistake. The nation and the world watched as Netanyahu wagged the dog, ignoring feeble protests from our government and making us look weak.

It is crystal clear that the Democratic Party needs entirely new leadership.

Younger but more grounded in the traditional ideals of the party. Look at Gov Beshear in Kentucky. A re-elected Democrat in a red state. Elected because he stuck to bread and butter issues and told voters the truth.

I hope that the next four years will be enough for the Democratic Party to rebuild. Trump will certainly provide a long list of disasters for them to run on next time.

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And thanks to you for those very thoughtful comments. I think this commentary might spark some good discussions in the village.

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I voted for Obama, both times, and then Hillary in 2016. The last two elections I voted for Trump, or as I like to justify in my head voting for a reality tv clown: I voted against the democrats. I became a Trump voter after I moved in Croton. All politics is local after all, and since I’m drowning in a pocket of extreme left lunacy, I can’t vote for democrats.

I despise Trump, it makes me sick to the stomach thinking he is our president. However, what I discovered is that I despise my democratic village government even more - their shady backroom deals against me: a tax paying homeowner and parent. I despise the fact that we elect over and over on the school board someone who wishes my kids dead for not taking an experimental vaccine. I deleted my Facebook account because I started disliking my own neighbors after silently scrolling the community pages for the past few years. One of the commenters on this very thread was calling for sending people to re-education camps if they didn’t agree with Democratic Party orthodoxy.

Biden stood for nothing (or all of it) in 2020. Kamala is an empty DEI vessel. Trump is a major POS. I voted for the tv clown hoping that democrats will start looking inwards if they lost the election. If after the 2016 election liberals became unhinged and doubled down toward their fringe, I have hope that after this election they’ll pull back towards the middle.

Come 2028, if we don’t have a non-Croton Dem on the village board, and Mr. Holier-Than-Thou is still on our school board, I’m voting for Don Jr.

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Spot on. I feel for you, seriously. Some of the people in this town can drive you mad.

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I wish it were only some. It’s the 70% that votes party line against their own self interest.

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The towel is in my hand, hand cocked and ready to throw.

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Jan 19Edited

Trump didn’t win so much as Harris lost because of poor strategy on her part and the party’s. She was not a strong candidate and turned a lot of people off (even back in 2020), didn’t do anything substantive over the last 4 years, and the only reason the party selected her when they replaced Biden upon it becoming readily apparent that he was in the throes of mental decline (that they lied about for God knows how long) was that her name was also on the FEC filing along with his, so she was the only alternative candidate who could legally use all of the fundraising dollars.

If they really want to win then they have to do two things in 2028:

1.) The Democrat Party needs to put up a “real” person who is legitimately authentic. Not some factory controlled robot who gets specific talking points like a computer program. Every single word out of Kamala’s mouth was group tested by some think tank in DC. They HAVE to get away from that.

2.) The Democrat Party needs to stop the elitist stuff that looks down on the middle of the country or anyone outside of their echo chamber. They need to change their message away from “Trump sucks, we’re great, and if you disagree, then you’re an -ist and a -phobe of some sort,” and pivot toward something more moderate. When you get down to brass tacks, when you lose the senate, the house, the electoral college AND popular vote, and you think the lesson is half the country is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and stupid, then you are learning the wrong lesson. And the same thing will likely happen in 2028 if nothing changes.

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That sign is an embarrassment to the entire village.

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