It’s legitimate to discuss the wisdom of creating Maple Commons and what lessons it may hold for future development. But let’s do it in a way that does not make new residents feel we don't want them.
That maple Commons is a racial issue is what the ultra liberals want to shout out in order to divert any criticism or practical analysis. The truth is, it’s all about the infrastructure that the village has and the cost of maintaining our education system. We gladly pay federal state tax to Support housing programs in our community that has affordable housing throughout the village. Our school system has a 15% Student body eligible for meal support based upon the income level of our current community members. I’ll put that number against a dozen similarly situated villages in our county, What we resent is subsidizing maple Commons by awarding it the right not to pay there share of property taxes, for the next 30 years. We have no intention of retaliating against our new neighbors, but we will be retaliating at the ballot box this November
The editorial does not say that opposition to Maple Commons or other developments in Croton is based on racism. It says that some, "but far from all," of the intense speculation that some are engaged in about WHO is going to move there is based on racism and classism. I have heard these comments personally so I would urge folks to be honest about it and not be naive, and also not distort what the editorial actually says.
Don't bother to interview any Croton Seniors or past or present Croton residents because none were selected. Most people who live in this Village came from somewhere else so that is what makes it a great Village but the process for selecting by lottery without a percentage for people who have lived here for a while makes no sense to me at all.
Since Federal funds were used to build MC their rules ruled which means the lottery was open to those of a certain income who got priority and that list would preclude most Croton residents from crossing home plate.
Beautiful essay, Michael.
Thanks Heidi. It's pretty controversial in our little divided hothouse of a village, but I stand by every word.
No matter the politics, here’s the reality. That was a really important and well written piece, thanks.
Also, Hi to Heidi Yorkshire!
Well said 👍
That maple Commons is a racial issue is what the ultra liberals want to shout out in order to divert any criticism or practical analysis. The truth is, it’s all about the infrastructure that the village has and the cost of maintaining our education system. We gladly pay federal state tax to Support housing programs in our community that has affordable housing throughout the village. Our school system has a 15% Student body eligible for meal support based upon the income level of our current community members. I’ll put that number against a dozen similarly situated villages in our county, What we resent is subsidizing maple Commons by awarding it the right not to pay there share of property taxes, for the next 30 years. We have no intention of retaliating against our new neighbors, but we will be retaliating at the ballot box this November
The editorial does not say that opposition to Maple Commons or other developments in Croton is based on racism. It says that some, "but far from all," of the intense speculation that some are engaged in about WHO is going to move there is based on racism and classism. I have heard these comments personally so I would urge folks to be honest about it and not be naive, and also not distort what the editorial actually says.
That was well said as well 👍
Don't bother to interview any Croton Seniors or past or present Croton residents because none were selected. Most people who live in this Village came from somewhere else so that is what makes it a great Village but the process for selecting by lottery without a percentage for people who have lived here for a while makes no sense to me at all.
Since Federal funds were used to build MC their rules ruled which means the lottery was open to those of a certain income who got priority and that list would preclude most Croton residents from crossing home plate.