Just a comment from me here. A paid subscriber just cancelled their sub in response to this post. I see this from time to time, a version of sticking one’s fingers in one’s ears or head in the sand because they don’t like the news. This kind of thing happens everywhere, but is particularly acute here in Croton. This article took no position on the lawsuit, just laid out what it was about in some detail. I suppose some would rather than no one know that the school district has been sued in federal court, but I think most want to know what is going on in our community whether they agree with it or not. While I am here commenting: Please take out a paid sub and help support this effort to keep our community informed, even with news not everyone likes. I could have put this story behind the paywall but I thought, no, people need to know about this. I am generous to a fault with how many free articles I post, I bust my butt every day trying to keep this village informed about news that does not appear elsewhere, so please do your part and help the Chronicle survive and grow. Thanks.

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Thank you for your work Michael, I’m a proud supporter of it. I read your posts regularly and I appreciate your deep research into the issues, keeping up with everything local and staying impartial. I don’t need to know which political party you support and I don’t actually care. Glad to have old school journalism in our community.

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Thanks for the kind words of support. Yes, the Chronicle is nonpartisan and those who try go guess my personal politics often guess wrong, although I make no secret of them. But journalism and fact finding come first, always.

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This is quite interesting to me. I am wondering if there is a way to connect to the attorney group representing A thru C…I would be interested in doing so

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You will see that we linked to the Complaint in the case which is in the form of an online pdf. If you look at the very back of the Complaint you will see the names and contacts details of all the attorneys involved.

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Thank you kindly.

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As a trial attorney, I would love to see whether the deposition testimony of the students aligns with that of their parents or maybe it will just expose the malignancy of their beliefs

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I assume that the district will move very quickly for dismissal. What do you think their chances are? Perhaps more likely the judge would dismiss without prejudice and allow them to file something less broad in scope. I could be wrong but this Complaint seems overly broad to me, but if it survives, discovery will certainly be interesting.

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Isn’t that the truth, Michael. People are afraid to stand up and speak the truth. What a shame .America is in deep deep trouble whether you want to believe it or not. People don’t want to know. they moved to Croton because they think it’s a safe haven ,well it’s not any longer .my opinion. Also ,my opinion, Mr. Miller parents decide what’s best for their children as my husband and I did for our four,not the village and not the law.

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Thanks be to God! Finally, there are parents who are brave enough to stand up for what’s true and right. Protect their children. as a grandparent I’m a palled the school that my husband and I went to,brought our children to Croton Harmon high school is no more .What a shame . I was just talking to a young college student the other day, and she was telling me how she can’t express her love for her country or a conservative point of view on her campus or she will be ostracized. Is this what the American people want. Stand up for your country !!before it’s too late ,of course it’s only my opinion.

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I haven’t analyzed the Complaint toevavaluate it’s merits, however if you are interested in getting to the real story here, I would “follow the money. Who is funding this lawsuit? The attorney representing plaintiffs works for a large firm based in Boston/ DC/ Salt Lake City specializing in religious rights litigation and works with the Antonin Scalia school of Law. Theyfocus on litigation at the Supreme Court level. They probably charge close to $1,000 per hour unless actin on a pro bono basis

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Parents Defending Education is a nationwide group with a lot of irons in the fire, and they probably raise enough money among conservatives to pay lawyers handsomely just like any other major group that does not use in-house attorneys for litigation. We will be updating the story next week with more of this kind of context.

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Not just conservatives I can assure you. BTW, Judge blocks Biden's Title IX rule in four states, dealing a blow to protections for LGBTQ+ students (msn.com); CLICK HERE, ASSOCIATED PRESS https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/judge-blocks-biden-s-title-ix-rule-in-four-states-dealing-a-blow-to-protections-for-lgbtq-students/ar-BB1oc6XB?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=51ab93608fe5411cb7f94f144d50705c&ei=14

(note---His order says the rule likely violates free speech laws by requiring schools to use pronouns requested by students.)

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